7 things to do in Da Lat

Da Lat, the capital of Lam Dong Province, which is situated in the south-central highlands of Vietnam. Da Lat is located at a height of roughly 1500 meters above sea level. It is the perfect place to stop off on your trip through Vietnam because you may stay here for up to two days before continuing on to Hoi An in the north or Mui Ne or Saigon in the south.


  • Renting a scooter
  • Night Market
  • Clay Tunnel
  • Visit waterfalls!
  • Crazy House
  • Magic Lake
  • Maze Bar

1. Renting a scooter

The scooter is the easiest way to move from point A to B, especially while visiting sights outside the city center. Given that certain highlights are very far apart, it is also helpful for traveling larger distances. Enjoy the breathtaking views of the Vietnamese highlands as you go through the mountains in search of several waterfalls.

2. Night Market

Discovering local cuisine and shopping at the different stalls selling clothing, trinkets, and other items can easily take an hour or two here. Vietnamese people are shouting, restaurateurs are enticing you inside, and merchants are trying to sell you all kinds of goods. It's extremely crazy. In the centre of the market, close to the fountain, is where you can find the Malaysian Roti Pancake, which I personally really enjoyed.

        3. Clay Tunnel

        Explore the Clay Tunnel to see how clay was used to make a variety of stunning statues. A ticket for admission costs 90,000 Vietnamese Dong, while parking for scooters costs an additional 10,000 Dong. The lake with the two faces staring at each other is, in my opinion, the park's main attraction.

        4. Visit waterfalls

        The Pongour waterfall is about an hour away from Da Lat. The route leading up to it is particularly interesting in its beginning and end. The final section gives the impression that you are in France. The entrance fee is 20,000 Vietnamese Dong, and parking for scooters is an additional 5,000 Dong.


        The Datanla waterfall is located closer to Da Lat. You have the option of riding a roller coaster, completing a climbing course, or just making your own way down. The entrance fee is 50,000 Vietnamese Dong, and parking for scooters is an additional 3,000 Dong.

        You may reserve an adventure tour, such as  canyoning over waterfalls, through your hostel!

        5. Crazy House

        The Crazy House, a stunning creative design achievement, truly lives up to its name with its outrageous architectural designs. Fans of the unconventional can even book an overnight stay! I found it interesting to see, but not particularly special. Admission is 60,000 Vietnamese Dong, and parking is available on the street. 


        Don't be surprised if your scooter isn't parked in its original spot. You can choose whether or not to pay the man who moved it. I didn't pay him because he shouldn't have moved the scooter without permission, especially when it was parked next to other scooters and locked with a steering lock. Nice try.

        6. Maze Bar

        Looking for a drink in the evening? Head to the Maze Bar, a unique location with a labyrinthine design. With multiple floors and various staircases, it's a true maze until you reach the top. On the ground floor and top floor, you can order a drink before venturing into the maze to find a cozy spot.

        7. Magical Lake

        A bit outside of Da Lat, the enchanted Tuyen Lam Lake is only (efficiently) reachable by motorbike. Choose a nearby restaurant with a view of the lake, or bring your own lunch and eat it while admiring the scenery at the lake's shore. It makes sense to combine with a trip to the

        How many days in Da Lat?

        According to my own experience, two days are enough, one for scooter adventures and the other for exploring the city center. Two nights are sufficient if you travel by night bus because you get there early in the morning.

        Next up: Mūi Né or Hoi An?

        • Mūi Né: 5.5 hours
        • Hoi An: 15 hours